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Beautiful snow lady
Your eyes are as blue as the coldest ice
On the outside pale as snow,
but still sparkeling like snow does in the sun
The iceblue color in your eyes can melt
It is called tears
Your iceblue look in your eyes,
is as dangerous and slippery as ice can be
It can make you fall
And it hurts to fall on cold, hard ice
Snow lady, the world you live in is cold and dark
The sun does not show it self to often
Beautiful snow lady
Be aware
Despite your blue, icecold eyes
I know your heart deep inside is burning

Fri vers av Millis,,Camilla Petersson
Läst 153 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-20 17:08

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Millis,,Camilla Petersson
Millis,,Camilla Petersson