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Nästan alla från 1997 är skrivna som Wizard (ParzifalWarlock) vid GamersInn.com, min första site, i avdelningen Poet's Passion...tänk Gandalf...

Fruitbasket (or "Love is like Apples and Oranges")


Love is like apples and oranges
The more you give the more the flow of flavour and sense
Love is like apples and pears
The more you hurt the more you grow to dislike the tears
Love is like grapes and bananas
I have never enjoyed wine and life as just a Fata Morgana
Love is like grapes and strawberries
The children you love as individuals, not as an army
Love is like plums and pineapples
The sweet juice of heaven and hurt of hell when you
no-one in your lap holds
Love is like plums and avocados
The poet's dream of southern seas and instant recognition
as she in the room walks
Love is like sweet cups and chinese gooseberries
The drink of thine is not of wine but of just being merry
Love is like sweet cups and dates
Oh I wish I knew what lies to unfold in our fate
Love is like melons and mangos
Like a christmasgift I cherish your wit worth many more
Love is like melons and bilberries
I put a Yule-log in and begin to dream and see it
here already
Love is like cherries and ordinary gooseberries
Cornucopia of Fruit from Eden, an orange in the East
Love is like cherries and chinese persimmons
Fruit of Life from Eden, an apple and there we all came from

LPWJ 21/12/97
Leader of Scribes in the Guild of the High Order

Bunden vers (Rim) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 368 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-23 22:31

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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP