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..a story or not a story, a real event that is was or maybe.

Late in time


Morning school

those days when

more children were in school

than seats were at benches

unlike today



 some of us

some days

had morning school

some afternoon

one could be home for dinner

one could be home for supper

one could

unless tadpoles


under the footbridge

or hairbands in lurid colors

drew attention

at the haberdashing lady's place


there was always 

the village square to cross

and to the east

the mighty spire

to circumvent

one day

in a youth

clouded by mismemories

I saw the trapdoors open

and workmen seemed

to ply their trade

in the works of the clock

the church
struck her bells

not once
not twice
nor ten or twelve

but thirteen..
I ask you!

The little boy
who's worlds as yet
only knew of twelve strokes

for either noon or midnight
took fright
ran home, arms flailing,

head spinning,
rucksack straining
at straps

dashed through garden
crashed through vestibule
slammed open main door

shouted, yelled

It's never been so late before!!

It has not, for ever and ever

been so late before so tell me 
for whom does the bell strike

Say it soon
Or it will be too late 


Fri vers av Björn Donobauer
Läst 2407 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-30 15:11

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Björn Donobauer
Björn Donobauer