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The Sulphurian Plains

Like a river
Flowing through the barren landscape, stretching towards eternity
Carrying the filth of ancient memories
Strangling the soul upon entering it
Destroying all whom dare tasting the sweet nectars

It flows here, day and night, for all eternity
And each sleepless night I re-enter the Sulphurian plains
The darkness sprinkles the burning dust into my dead eyes
Renders me blind and torments me
As I am become death, the destroyer of the worlds

All pleasures decay to ashes in longing eyes
Breathing is an agony, but it must be done
If you wish to stay alive in this sewer
Each waking hour I pray for release
To shatter the shell which surrounds my being

Come forth and sacrifice, oh, beauty of carnal souls
Upon the wicked altar of self destruction
Love is black, hate is blind
And sorrow roams this barren land
In death, we are all alone

The thoughts that are meant for me alone
Brings tears to the driest of eyes
Self disgust, decaying flesh, invisible scars
I am one with silence, unheard by man
As I die a freezing death

So cold...
So dark...
I am alone with darkness

No one will ever notice when I’m gone
No one will ever miss me

For I am already dead...

Fri vers (Fri form) av Son of Hades
Läst 167 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-28 16:27

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Son of Hades