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förvrängning som skulle varit baserad på Why Don't We Do it in The Road?!, ett vildsint + välbeskuret spår på Beatles White Album, men som jag fritt invecklade åt annat håll... liknar satiren i o över Revolution? Nja, får räknas som Harrisons "Grisar".

Crossing Zebra Road, Trottoar nr 4 (vit beatle)



Some miles ahead of Abbey Road

four years after The End of Beatles

we discovered a specially chocking

zebra crossing which twisted our minds

         with unbelievably BLACK stripes

         on a very WHITE, unwinding street

         well, yes monkey, you saw right!

         but we heard a bird complain from left:

                      "Why do people like to cross this zebra

                            more than any other fucking road?!

             Why can't they treat every street as equals?!"

then while our old brown shoes

rolled over that crazy creature

curiously but lazy, far from Beethoven

for the 4.444:th time

           our reason began to (R)evolve:

                       "How boring if no road were unique...!

                         and if every street deserved the same

                        amount of attention - then

                        how could we dare to adore...?

and why would one bother to love anymore

one's favourite zebra bit more than some horse?!"





Övriga genrer (Satir) av TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Läst 676 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2014-06-26 09:26

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  Nanna X
I love stripes!

  Hans Christian
Jättekul att läsa och innehållet - tänkvärt. Grafiskt sett urtjusigt!

Jag blev glad av att läsa! Det tackar jag dig för :o)
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