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A rootless tree

What if i was a tree with no roots.
Existing all untied.
Not knowing from where I grew.
But trying to hold the tree crown high.

But how could a rootless tree ever grasp the ground,
digging the fingers into the dirt?
How could it ever have the possibility to bound?
To whatever reason it seems to have to hurt.

How could a rootless tree,
ever sip nutrients though the soil?
Those days when it feel leached.
And it needs to lubricate the inner oil.
A rootless tree could live as an epiphyte.
Life supporting itself through others breaths.
It might keep the branches and leaves alive,
but the lack of roots with drive the tree towards death.

Cause how would the tree ever know what security is like?
Being frozen out from the photosynthesis.
No ground to face the forehead to those nights,
when the outer wind is too hard to dismiss.

A rootless tree can stay forever alive.
But it will never understand how it feels to be safe.
It will forever try to keep the head crown high.
Only in order to hide its background as an waif.

It will produce life and existence for others to breath in.
It will bring joy and beauty to whomever comes close.
But the rootless tree will forever struggle with an unsafe feeling,
Cause safety can't get a grip on things that flows.

Bunden vers (Rim) av miwa
Läst 336 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-11-17 14:56

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