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Northern Lights

The Northern lights, you light within my chest,
come from the storm your gentle eyes provide.
They're colouring the darkness deep inside,
and now I have my chance to feel the best.

The fire which you started keeps on burning.
The kindness of your heart, is fuelled by love ~
Giving me the strength to soar above,
just like the sky, my spirit's upwards turning.

Although the distance from your arms is growing,
your touch and care still keep my heart at glowing ~
Forever feeling wind beneath my wings.

While I fly further on, your colours paint,
a picture in my mind, that isn't faint ~
Your eyes to capture all the lovely things!

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Syrran77
Läst 159 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2021-11-21 12:13

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  TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Så träffsäkert diktat! ...om hur distans, vindar och eldslågor, ändå kan uppbåda närhet!! och färga mörker...

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