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Sometimes you may wonder
how life itself can pull you,

Beneath the surface, when you're walking above the sky


Yet, your road is the wrong way,

a Blind way,

Straight ahead with a soul drowned in burning stars


(I can see your tears streaming)

and sometimes you are scared
to Shake this world, to Fuck this world

and green eyes are cold as ice
you're free
in heart, but stuck

with broken wings


(You choose to lay in silence)

And sometimes..

Sometimes, you may hear the songs
when you're somewhere else,

in mind, ripped apart with hidden face
Love can't show
that Burden


so keep on walking Dirty shoes!
Spring will wake your ghost

and you  might stop wonder


For a while.

Fri vers av LadyFool
Läst 282 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-04-16 00:02

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