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when my pathetic little dream became real

so here it is
the dream that appears every time i close my eyes
it's like a movie on my eyelids
that repeatingly tempts me with it's contain.
and every time i see it it leaves me with a stain
i think i'm going insane
why is this not my life?
why am i not your wife?

anyways, you wanna hear how it goes?
don't laugh at me
i know i'm a sad little fuck
but the dream is about you too, and you're a big fat schmuck

wait a minute, i need to have my eyes closed
okay, there we are, there is our house, and there, underneeth that tree is where you proposed.
we're in our garden, our kids are playing peek-a-boo
the older one, the boy is chasing our baby girl and their friends are playing with them too
me and you
we're sitting together, looking at them and holding hands
and our biggest concern is our weekend plans
"let me go and get that traveling brochure dear"
"ok, but hurry back, i don't want to feel alone out here"

i'm standing now, i'm heading towards the house
and suddenly, when i open the door i see everything change
when i look down at me an old worn hood has replaced my blouse
i wear jeans now, not a skirt
and our perfect little home has turned into a trashed apartment filled with dirt

in panic i throw myself at the window desperately trying to see if you're still there
but the garden is gone
so is our son, and our daughter too
i look towards where the chair which you sat and smiled in were
all i see now is a road with a truck driven by a drunk chauffeur
and it occurs to me
my eyes are wide open
i'm looking straight at my reality

Övriga genrer av mariaveronica
Läst 172 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-27 17:14

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