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Ada Augusta Byron, Lady Lovelace- Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852, England),

Lady Lovelace~ Daughter of Lord Byron

She was the daughter
Lord Byron
The english poet
and his wife
Anne Isabella Milbanke

Ada Lovelace
left her father
in her very
early years

And never saw him again

But yet she was
his only known child
He died at age 36
when she was only nine

And her mother
The Lady Byron
made her daughter
make her way in mathematics
and music

As young as 17
had the wellknown mathematician
and astronomer Mary Sommerville
as her teacher

And through her
Ada Lovelace learnt to know
the famous professor of mathematics, of Cambridge,
Charles Babbage
And her studies where

And Charles Babbage called her
"The Enchantress of Numbers".
In a letter, he wrote 1843, you can read the
following sentence:

"Forget this world and all its troubles and if
possible its multitudinous Charlatans — every thing
in short but the Enchantress of Numbers."

But even though she studied intensively
she also married great
a man called William King
and so she turned out to be
the Countess of Lovelace

Three children
she gave birth to
And yet she went on
with her studies
of mathematics

Evil tongues
they said about her
that she prefered
the mathematics
to her children...

In the year 1842 to 1843
she came to translate
an article
written by Luigi Menabrea
all about Charles Babbage´s
newest proposed machine

A machine that would
be able to make
analythic calculating
and would be able to be
It never was constructed then, though..

Ada Lovelace added to the translation she made
very detailed notes,
of her own
that were even more detailed
than the article itself..

And there in her notes,
you also can find
a method for calculating
a sequence of Bernoulli numbers with the Engine

And this is seen
as the forrunner
to the computers of our time..

This all was publiced in the year 1843,
when she was in the age of 27

Not until the year 1991
the machine was built
following Babbages designing

And it was revealed that his ideas worked..!

This is considered as the forerunner
to the computer of our time..

And Ada Lovelace is now seen as being the first computer programmer..

Ada Lovelace died
at age 36
like her father
the poet Lord Byron
She was burried
in the same grave as him
because that was what
she wanted.


En Ada som var alla programmeringars moder
av Ingrid Börge, Göteborgsposten 2011-01-09 s. 90




För vidare läsning se även:


Computer history, where Ada Loveloce of course also is mentioned..
Och massa vackra fascinerande bilder av datorutveckling....:)

Film med anledning av the Ada Lovelace Day 2010


Fil:Ada Lovelace.jpg

Ada Augusta Byron King, Painting made by Margaret Carpenter 1836, (The painting belongs to the British government and is currently located at the 10 Downing Street residence in London.)

Fri vers (Fri form) av Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Läst 842 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-03 20:21

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verkligen intressant!

  Bibbi VIP
Skriver under på Ann Åhsberg

  Berit Robin Lagerholm VIP
Mycket intressant läsning om Lady Lovelace.
Lättsamt, intressant och faktagivande i väl komponerad text.
Tack för denna.

    ej medlem längre
Jag brukar kallas "Fakulteten för onödigt vetande" för jag älskar såna här fakta. Finns det verkligen onödigt vetande? Detta är ett exempel på viktigt vetande, både kvinno- och vetenskapshistoria!
Tack för att du delade med dig!

    ej medlem längre
This was interesting. I did'nt know all these facts about Ada Lovelace. Well written, and it's was a pleasure to read!

Sincerely, Ann
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Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)