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Good VS Evil

I think I'll try a different route next week,
I'll grind and sharpen my people technique,
try to understand and be understood,
why people are frightened by those who are good.

I think I'll start by being offensive,
no one is really used to see me aggressive,
then I think I'll give the finger instead of wave,
after all, I run fast and I'm pretty brave.

Screw my neighbour she can water her own plants,
Another thought, how 'bout double D implants?
I gotta work tomorrow but today I don't care,
maybe I can catch up on some sleep while I'm there?!

My boyfriend is working hard and rarely around,
but instead of cooking and cleaning, I'm hitting town,
party so hard that my heels would break,
think of no one but myself, whatever is offered i would take.

See it doesn't pay off being well mannered and nice,
or a good human being, to be precise.
I know cause I've been this way since birth,
consideration is worth nothing on this earth.

I have brains and I'm smart,
yea i get that a lot...
but appareantly not that cunning,
cause I should've seen it coming.

Be loving, be giving, be pretty, be warm,
what does that consider in a world with no arm?
I'm so fucking tired of pleasing everyone around,
you call me a princess? please take off this crown,

No I'm not gonna change who I am, Im just playing,
In what I am and what I stand for, there is no swaying,
my head aches often, and my heart agitates,
but in the end, I feel alive, while you feel hate

Fri vers av Nova.H.A
Läst 353 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-14 04:06

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