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From the deepest depth to the highest high

I sleep in my chamber,
waiting for a dream
not just anyone,
can have a look at me.

I am so deep,
no has reached the bottom of my sea.
I am so high,
no one can see the end of my sky.
I am everything you wish,
and nothing you believe.
I travel from deepest depth,
to the highest high,
with only seconds going by.

He who enters,
if he does not have what I need,
before he tries
he must read;

Do not try to force your way in,
you will only be decieved.
Do not unbraid my hair,
Oh you brave be aware!
Do not kiss my lips or hand,
turn away from where you stand.
I am not for you to quench your thirst,
Oh you brave you will be cursed!

I am waiting for him,
who holds the key,
only him, and him only,
can set me free.

Fri vers av Nova.H.A
Läst 234 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-17 03:47

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