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After 8 (Eight)

After Eight

don´t stay up

until it's too late


Stand up

for your right

in spite of this darkeing age


For that for what

you were meant


After Eight

dark covered 

heart of menthe                                      


Listen to your heart beat

take a bite

of icy chilling

thin mints

under cover of sweet bitterness

let melt softly

Anything can

be happening

for a hoping

heart of copper stone in iron rose

In time to come




After Eight

don´t stay up

until it's too late


Stand up

for your right


For that for what

you were meant


                               Menthe (pepparmynta)

Fri vers (Fri form) av Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Läst 756 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-06-09 20:12

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Nice one, do like, especially "heart of copper stone in iron rose" :)....

    ADI Nehlin
Tyckte om ..:-)

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Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)