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From nothingness to nothingness we walk.
Some try to fight, some try to talk.
As systems made of matter laid in haste -
we're evolved interstellar waste.

From birth we fight against the plight of man -
we're end-deniers in our clan.
The adult mind will never find the rest
of carefree suckling at the breast.

It's rest we seek and thus the bleak result
leads to the lure of the occult.
Contractuals and factuals of bliss -
is craving that which is amiss.

This loony-bin of what has been and yet
might still become - is hope and threat
to man and mice. A toss of dice - a shove
or hug. But why if not for love?

Fri vers av Orm den gamle VIP
Läst 336 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-08 01:35

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Orm den gamle VIP