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Ghazal XI


that you showed up here, Ilona, carrying
dreams of your own -


spirit, details of life cast aside
the equibalance of change


come, bring your bread, pace slowly
past the moans of the chained


to kiss her, over and over
every significance has to be sent on its way


pictures of old, sudden urge to cut herself
out, carry only heather, faded cloudscape


a measure: the time spent agonizing
over whether to breathe in our out


the scissors tracing the leeway
childhood turns to token turns to fog


and then they recombined, droplets
of distance to form your eyes


paling bones     the oxen kept
from the pail


for the length of our conversation
the defibrillator keeps hanging on the wall


the walkways might stray from us
stop for no reason


where churches would rise and be roofed
in copper, still blushing copper


I look her in the
bilberry sprigs beset by the storm -

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Tomas Söderlund
Läst 257 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-04-07 00:15

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  Nanna X
den här kändes som inbäddad i en soft dimma. cloudscape, fog, droplets, och något dröjande med tempot.
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Tomas Söderlund
Tomas Söderlund