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Empty happines
screaming out loud,
with a stabed tongue
I turned to the croud

God let me speak
once again

forgive my soul
save it fast,
lm starting
to lose control,
family and friends
I hurt and soled

for you

a drug, a thurst
who made me a fool

you´re in my wains
makes me fall,
made me fail
but my fault,
my misstake
an habbit
became my friend
shouldn’t done it
it´s to late

lonely fool
cant help
I never could
with a heart,
who´s riped
and raped

abused by
devil chains
its absorbing
my final strenght,

please let me speak,
I must warn myself

patheticly falling
on my knees,
crying and realize
the bitter ending

so close has it
never been,
its to late
just for me
to wakeup
and see

you´re in my wains
makes me fall,
made me fail
my fault,
biggest misstake

shure it will never,
be the same

the addiction became
my closest friend
the friend,
who like to see
the bitter end

you in my wains
made me fall,
makes me fail
my own fault,
selfinfected pain

it´s get hold of me
like a piece
in a game

cant turn now
Im sentence
to slavery,
shure for
never ending

it´s to late,
Im gone
it caught the soul

how could I,
be addicted to
the one
who betraid me

Im lost and gone,
how could I be
so very wrong

he´s gone
never been
seen for so long
cant turn now,
way had been
cut off

want to turn,
his foverever lost

gone, lost
no return
gone, lost
oh no

when will he ever learn

Fri vers av Magnus VIP
Läst 246 gånger
Publicerad 2004-09-13 18:21

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  Maria Diamond
Jättebra dikt, lite lång bara med det var ett bra flyt så det gjorde inget, gick bra att läsa.
Det verkar som om du varit med om en hel del och jag hoppas att du har det bra nu eller åtminstonet bättre..Det är vi alla värda!
Ha det bra.
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Magnus VIP