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So it was written and so it will be done…

To my prerogative

Deliberately I enter on your mined ground
Dressed in fidelity which makes no sound
I’m also embossed with magical tools
Eloquent I’ll tell you; “Wars just for fools”
I come with peace and with love in a cup
Let us drain it together, I plead you; “Bottom up!”

This is a predication created by your self
I’ v just read it in the book; “The princess on the shelf”
She’s no harlot, she’s no saint
She’s merely a timorous woman
Coloring in resplendent paint

So please do not paint out the picture
A gash is already there
Make it your dearest fixture
Preserve it with love and care
I reassure you that the dove is white
But she bleaches and fades
Beside her knight

Fri vers av Carola Jeryd
Läst 321 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-09 01:58

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Carola Jeryd
Carola Jeryd

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