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How can a person be mean, and then justify their actions with lack of knowledge?

If I had known...

How many hearts have been tortured with pain
because of the truths we don\'t own?
How many souls have cried in disdain:
\"I would have done different if I had known!\"

And then they regret, their tears forming as dew
seeking someone to carry their blame.
When only their narrow perspective is new.
The world still remains just the same.

Fri vers av Mirtul
Läst 639 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-26 16:56

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Mycket snygga rim i en vacker dikt.

\"How many hearts have been tortured with pain
because of the truths we don\'t own?\"

Starka rader. Applåd.

    Lilla jag
Ja, om man bara hade vetat..
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