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The Ballad of the Goblin on the Run

The Goblin on the Run

The Goblin on the Run

See I am a goblin,
the servant of a witch
She forces me to labour
and she calls me \"Little Bitch\"
For poor little goblin
The work was never done
So now I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
For poor little goblin
The work was never done
So now I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

She was a cruel Mistress
She whipped me all day long
She nourished me with maggots
For I did her chores all wrong
She locked me in the cellar
I never saw the sun
So now I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
She locked me in the cellar
I never saw the sun
So now I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

One day she left me
At home as oft befores
She went to village market
And she left me to my chores
But as I dusted bookshelves
I bumped them as I spun
That\'s why I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
But as I dusted bookshelves
I bumped them as I spun
That\'s why I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

Both scrolls and books went flying
I was in trouble dire
And as I tried to catch them
I dropped them in a fire
The paper started burning
I knew that I was done
That\'s why I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
The paper started burning
I knew that I was done
That\'s why I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

I grabbed a flask of water
In hopes to quench the heat
The flask contained a potion
And the flames grew arms and feet
They jumped all through the castle
They\'ve never had so fun
That\'s why I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
They jumped all through the castle
They\'ve never had so fun
That\'s why I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

I grabbed what I could carry
And stuffed into a sack
And ran out from the castle
With the sack upon my back
But there lay Mistress\' kitten
I stumbled and fell stunned
That\'s why I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
But there lay Mistress kitten
I stumbled and fell stunned
That\'s why I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

She hissed and she told me
To drop the wands I hog
But as I tried, I waved them
and I turned her to a frog
But I didn\'t know
How to damage have undone
That\'s why I\'m a goblin - A goblin on the run
But I didn\'t know
How to damage have undone
That\'s why I\'m a goblin on the ru-u-un

As Mistress came from market
She smoking ruins saw
She screamed for Litte Goblin
til her throat was red and raw
But there came no answer
Cat and Goblin they were gone.
For now he was a goblin - A goblin on the run
But there came no answer
Cat and Goblin they were gone.
For now he was a goblin on the ru-u-un

She went to Esmeralda
to borrow wand and scroll
To find the little goblin
And to tear his heart and soul
But when she finally got there
All wands and scrolls were gone
Cause Goblin, he had been there - The Goblin on the run
And robbed poor Esmeralda
The wands and scrolls were gone
Stolen by goblin on the ru-u-n

And that\'s why you never
See witches to this day
With all their magic stolen
They are safely kept at bay
So all give our praises
To whom witchcraft had undone
Let\'s all give our praises to the goblin on the run
The goblin keeps on running with his sack and stops for none
For he is the goblin on the ru-u-un

Fri vers av Mirtul
Läst 556 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-05 20:07

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Meh... Mirtul menar förstås.. :/

/whorship Bard Miltur

- Ulrika

Hahaha.. Najs sång.. blir tok glad av den,

Sång jag precis kokade ihop som är svagt baserad på en idé till en karaktär jag har.

Har en melodi som gör mig glad :)

Sång jag precis kokade ihop som är svagt baserad på en idé till en karaktär jag har.

Har en melodi som gör mig glad :)
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