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Your mind

Hello it’s me
Your mind you know
It’s been a while
Why is it so?
How you doin?
Is everything okey?
Will you fix this mess
Or do you just pray?
Are you gonna take it this time
Or is this the end of the line?
Do you have the strength to live this through?
You know you can’t hide
Wherever you go, I follow you
Tell me, do you know
What to do with your life…
I know it’s hard
But know you can’t fix it with the knife
The knife will only hurt you
Harm you and leave you
Leave you bleeding on the floor
Is it worth it?
I know you think that you can’t take this anymore
But look into you soul
Look deeper into you heart
And there you find
A new start

Fri vers av S.N.
Läst 267 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-15 13:31

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