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hur det kunde se ut förr, inte så stor skillnad kanhända, utveckling & modus vivendi = 0! (och det där var ingen smiley =) men det var det där)

Deep Inside the Cave I Heard a Sound


Deep inside the cave I heard a sound
just a second, a drop
a stone that fell? maybe...
This really startled and frightened me
standing in it's opening amidst the stars
What could it be?
A troll? A lion? A beast of running imaginary?
I look to comfort my eyes to adjust them from light
outside the night now seems like dawn compared
I see something move.....................a shadow only!
I see something move.....................an white owl!
*circling around me*
I see something move.....................a White Dragon
full of fire, I stumble back and utter silence now is
I try to flee...but my legs won't bear me!
I try to speak...but my tongue has forsaken me!
I try to plead and lie down on the ground,
I see her move before me, I see her get use to me being
there, I see her and then nothing!
*smoke arises*
I look again, a little blue dragon of different shades
comes to me and smiles...I stand confused, but soon
gladly I realize this is what I waited for before.
So now here I sit awaiting the dawn, soon it will come
and now I no longer sit alone.


Poet's Passion GamersInn.com

Mon Dec 22 02:01:14 1997 GMT

*Action-poem a la Anima *Banzai*
Leader of Scribes in the Guild of the High Order*

...to seek ones roots...where should one seek if
not in the roots...and the highest crown...tis the
Trees...not a Kings...
-Lord Parzifal

The Keeper of the Grail
The Dispenser of all veils
The Redeemer from the Tales
From the Northern Lands - All Hail!
-Lord Parzifal(from "Hymn X").

Tillräckligt spacat; en wizard som skriver poesi på sin första onlinesite, och en liten poetryslam tror jag minsann i Tolkienberättarstill i miniformat

LPWJ 22/12/97 

Prosa (Fabel/Saga) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 490 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-17 02:18

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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP