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Min första och hittills enda dikt skriven i versmåttet pantoum.


In our hometown
We play like adolescents
My heart breaks
It's a hard brake

We play like adolescents
Faithfully I wait
It's a hard brake
When you're heart breaks

Faithfully I wait
The timing's so distant
When your heart breaks
It's a long wait

The timing's so distant
My body's the weight of led
It's a long wait
The seconds at hell's gate

My body's the weight of led
In the abyss of my own hate
The seconds at hell's gate
Faitfully I still wait

In the abyss of my own hate
My heart breaks
Faitfully I still wait
In our hometown

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av thegreatnausea
Läst 286 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-01 23:29

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Här åkte jag på att Googla "pantoum",
Intressant, för nu har jag lärt mig något nytt.
Dikten passar utmärkt i det versmåttet.
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