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Engelsk Dröm om Molnigt Guld



Sitting a strange sunday
morning outside an extremely familiar
door which we used to just
open, while write my latest update:

"First time ever here in Liverpool
waiting for someone to recognize me
and feel this summer die.
Anyhow I like
the golden darkness coming more
and more early..."

Almost remember I must have forgot
my glasses in another August
but then realise this scene takes place before
I even needed glasses.

Well, time for a pee,
so I go inside
someone's van
parked on the street down to our endless library.

Behind these magic windows
like an inverted prison cell
no one seems able to see me,
not even the whole class of 88 C
which I never socialized with
but still know every face among.

However now
we're appearantly in this cockpit, a little bit over
three golden clouds.
They assert
I will easily land on those
clouds if I only
well, jump in the right moment
and the right moment of course is

...but as always
my feet doubt their voices
since they come from our ship computer,
not from actual clouds. How many
tons of gold
lies hidden within?

Without parachute
and with my legs more heavy than our whole heaven
my american friends anyway
recommend a russian technique
to focus
a special glimpse of sun
to get the whole goldmine
it's labyrinth,
it's million wings
immediately here for my heart in the air

"Third time over Tokyo
falling for someone to recollect me
like feeling her autumn being born.
And this time
I'm really not
afraid anymore?!"

It's just that I want so badly to stay
in this egg
even if i crashes
in this belly
even if my fuel
has grown completely incompatible
with your world
with our bird
this cockpit has become
my life.







Fri vers (Fri form) av TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Läst 260 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-02 19:56

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