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Correspondence between Sir Michael Roderick and Lady Mary Jane Carrolls

The knight letters – No2– Sir Roderick

Friday, 24 October 1508

Oh, finally I got your letter my dear Mary Jane,
Duke Engelhart arrived yesterday after (what we were told) a peaceful journey, and with a LARGE package filled with homely food - and of course your divined apple pie.
We all ate, drank a lot of beer, sang and danced the “Jolly rave” until dawn.
The men forgot all about the battling for a moment and really enjoyed themselves.
Me, myself tried to stay as sober as possible…*laughing*
When most of the men had fallen to sleep, I spurred Lady Lavonia and rode up the hill where you can get a remarkable view over the “Secret valley”. I sat there under an almost naked beech tree and read your letter over and over - just to recall the memory of a certain beautiful authoress and everything else I miss back home.

I hope you are feeling better from the distress of yours. I know the abbey can get cold and unpleasant, but I also know that you are a very creative and stubborn young woman so you will manage quit well I suppose…
You always know how to enjoy your self and it made me a great pleasure to read that you are developing your painting talents and that you are fencing like a real knight nowadays.
Brother Angelo isn’t that easy to beat so I guess he gave you a rough lesson!
Some day Milady we are going to fight each other - then I’m gonna bite you!

I wish I had the time to paint but that is totally out of question in these uncivilized surroundings.
It happens that I make some sketches up the hills or in the valley; with borrowed coal and high quality paper from Father Joshua. I just do some snapshots but they’re not even worthy to wipe someone’s behind with…
You may see them someday…if I dare to show you… hm …

Of course I remember THAT day – and night, under the oak tree by the holy spring where we rested and I cleaned you wound.
How could I ever forget…?
You are the only one who ever seen ME and you know my inner feelings sometimes better than I do.
That is both frightening and fascinating, but in some way we are addicted to each other.
Even if we can’t be together as “convenient”, we can’t be separated either.
I think you somehow have tamed this old and cold hearted soldier…

In fact my dear there is something you can do!
You know Madam d’Anjou, maybe you could write her a letter and propose a deal – the kings adviser in exchange for Eddisbury and the south of Dover. Perhaps Madam d’Anjou can persuade the French king to set her beloved relative free! I think you are following...
There’s one more thing…
I really would like you to enjoy the group who will meet up back in England - hopefully around Christmas. I’ll send a courier before us when we have crossed the water of Dover. He will be carrying a letter to my mother and another one to Father Lingua, where I make a statement of the importance of your presence there and then.

Take care my sweet apprentice and send me some of your warm energy from time to time.

Yours devoted

Prosa (Novell) av Carola Jeryd
Läst 404 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-25 13:25

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