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No-Name Song


you call yourself my friends

but still I see the hatred

pain reflecting your yes

as I stood there and waited

false words around me

from you, all of you my so called friends

captivating my attention

and my trust were yours to sway

backstabbing pain

I never asked for your attention

red wine through veins

I never asked for your time

chaos echoing in my brains

I never asked for you my friends

to act like you were all on cocaine

follow through with what you sow

and pull out that dagger

within an honest heart comes respect

and stop being such pussy braggers

I never lied to you my friends

I never told a lie

I loved you all and I gave you all

why did you not see the cry

so good bye to ya' all

I better get going

I wont be here to see your fall

I better start moving


all I was was me

all I was was me

backstabbing pain

I never asked for your attention

red wine through veins

I never asked for your time

chaos echoing in my brains

I never asked for you my friends

to act like you were all on cocaine

backstabbing pain

I never asked for your attention

red wine through veins

I never asked for your time

chaos like long lost trains

I never asked for you my friends

to keep fucking my brains



Fri vers av Latifa Baker
Läst 563 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-04-27 20:00

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