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Början på en tänkt låttext om samhället idag. Kylan, rasismen, hatet - verklighet.

My conscience is tired of taking responsibility for yours.


It's time to wake up and see the reality in the corner of the eye.
Stop act like you don't care when someone dies.

My conscience is tired of taking responsibility for yours.
Tired of be the one that’s opening your mental doors.

My patience is drying up and I demand that you start thinking.
Start helping others who actually are sinking.

It's 2013 and the prejudices is a national disease.
Hate hate hate, Am I blind? I see no peace.

Love love love, help me. Spread the word, please.

Does people believe everything in the papers?
It's like they have inhaled hazardous vapors.

The senses are cloudy and the opinions a threat.
Inhuman anger against someone they never met...

Fri vers av Kape
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-11-13 07:31

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