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I have

Have you ever had so much pain that you easily would jump from a high scrape just to be free from it for a second?
I have.
Have you ever felt the power of the nature, like a war in your body?
I have.
And I will do it again if God allows me to.

Have you ever been so happy that you cried?
I have.
Have you ever felt that you truly and without thinking of it would give your life for someone?
I have.
Have you ever felt that someone is bonded to you like God is bonded to the Bible?
I have.

The feeling of giving birth to a baby is filled with pain and happiness, and I will do it again, if God allows me to.
You can and will do painful things in your life as long as you know that it is for a god thing. and after you will forget and deny the pain like we have done with the risks of the nuclear power...
But at least you do it for a god thing, and for the humans chances to survive. They do it for the money...

I want to feel that pain again.
I want more things to love over everything else.
I love to have these feelings and I know that these are the things that make me and every woman on the earth, black and white, yellow and red so much alike.
If a muslim, a Jew, a Indian, a Eskimo, and Christian woman would meet for a cup of the and a discussion they could sit there for a long time and talk. Cause they all have that feeling, and they all love their family. If a groupe of men would do the same thing they would fight and quarrel after less then five minutes.

I love my son
I love him more than anything.

Fri vers av Lillali
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-11-27 19:30

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Du är en omtänksam och kärleksfull mamma, i alla bemärkelser!
Det där om männen på slutet var så roligt och så träffande, så är det ju! =)
Dina frågor i början griper ta i mig...jag vet känslan så väl!!!

Tack för den fina dikten och dina tankar! --<-<<@
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