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time and so on.

Behold that dream that lend you
your wake
the one how delaide your sleep

and water the fields she lived
that, she danced

and thie heart she hold to keep

slumber fields thie night has fallen

thie breth is ready to reap

an angel from heaven is calling

for the innocent has Falling Asleep

brew that potion the one from love
make her drink it in moonlight
and I swear you will leave vith your
tale behind your back
burning with pure fright

And so is a truth love can never be forced
if you try a lovespell to succeed
thie heart will always be damned

and your dreams forever will be cursed
and thie heart will always bleed

Bunden vers (Rim) av Yrre VIP
Läst 155 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-13 23:40

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Yrre VIP