Written 2006-07-02
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Written 2006-07-02

Emotional junkie or emotional alchemist?(revised)

hen my senses become
a conspiracy of substances

I SALUTE my dear friends and companions
Brain biochemicals, in my illusive reality

pleasure chemical
whom gives me feelings of bliss

Endorphin my dear friend
you are replacing pain with pleasure.

Oh and you Serotonin in Sickness and in Health
When I neglect you I can fall from mild anxiety
to murderous aggression

You help me "tune out" the unimportant stuff
and respond in a balanced way to the things that
do matter.

Norephinephrine and epinephrine alias adrenaline
two active friends (hormones) fear and anxiety

You serotonin, along with acetylcholine, dopamine and norepinephrine carry out so much work together in processing my thoughts, sensory perceptions, decisions, and actions...

- Do not become the victim nor the victimizer of your own feelings

- Don´t use the pharmacy of your brain like a junkie

- Don´t drown in your sorrow, fear, pain, lust etc

Substance use, mental and physical abuse, polarized thinking and obsessive repetition, the traits of irrational thinking, can catch you unaware by changing the chemistry of the brain. In recovery we have to work on our destructive thought processes.

Set in motion the wheels of the Opponent - Process Theory. When one emotion is experienced, the other is suppressed; for example, fear-relief, when you feel afraid just remember that after fear comes relief, don't be afraid, deep inside you know that eventually, one way or the other, the feeling of relief will come.

It´s time for you to take control

The Brain Chemistry Diet
Based on Your Personality Profile :

1. Memorize responses for Balancing your mood
2. Minimize Stress factors
3. Conquer Depression

Your behavioral pharmacology:

Principle 1. Changes in brain chemistry produce changes in behavior
Principle 2. Changes in behavior produce changes in brain chemistry
Principle 3. Changes in the environment produce changes in behavior.
Principle 4. Changes in behavior produce changes in the environment.
Principle 5. Changes in the environment produce changes in brain chemistry.
Principle 6. Changes in brain chemistry produce changes in the environment.

You can become an emotional alchemist of your brain´s biochemicals

Chemistry + Events = Mood + Behavior

Believe in yourself and the strength that you possess, reveal the hidden Power in you and do not become a victim of circumstance.

You are the author and the protagonist and not the antagonist in your lifes play´ decide how you want your life to be and what feelings you want to experience and make it happen!


Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Night Soul Woman
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-14 21:17

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  Night Soul Woman
Om ordet Hail:

"Origin:1150–1200; ME haile, earlier heilen, deriv. of hail health < ON heill; c. OE hǣl."

"verb (used with object)
1. to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome.
2. to acclaim; approve enthusiastically: The crowds hailed the conquerors. They hailed the recent advances in medicine.
3. to call out to in order to stop, attract attention, ask aid, etc.: to hail a cab. "

Internetkälla: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hail


  Night Soul Woman
Till Larz:

Den som vill bekräfta vad jag har skrivit kan söka vidare. Ja, jag har utforskat ämnet innan jag kunde skriva den här texten.(enligt min förståelseförmåga så klart) Den som hittar något fel är välkommen att uttrycka sin åsikt och och ge mig ett boktips. Om det så behövs.

Tack för din kommentar.

  Måna N. Berger
Det låter ju lätt..

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
All hail the new dawn!

Innehar du en professur på något universitet?
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Night Soul Woman
Night Soul Woman