an esoteric enigma or joke :D why?just for the fun of it! :D Enjoy

this one belong to my series of :D

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an esoteric enigma or joke :D why?just for the fun of it! :D Enjoy

this one belong to my series of :D

He thought that 777 is. . .(enigma) :D


The answer. . .but when he turned the page

he realized that 777 is 333 and when

he turned the page once more he understood

that 333 is 111.


7 - the 6 faces of his face *1*

777 the *3*spherical illusions where dreams live on in the cube of his logic. Now he sits under the tree of knowledge - the tree of life*2-8* and blows bubbles while dreaming of a better tommorow that never comes. . . I wonder why. . . *9*

A *3 * tree that can be *6* 1-1-1 = 0 or 777 hmmm. . .

or can it be that

 the illusion nr.1 is 777

the illusion nr.2 is 333

the illusion nr.3 is 111?


Ahhh . .. So many questions, so many different answers. . . I will take an 11:11 break and live my life for a change. . .My atlantean life perhaps?Well I better stop thinking and eat my cake instead ;)


Fri vers av Night Soul Woman
Läst 232 gånger
Publicerad 2007-03-22 23:41

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Gillar. (vill inte kommentera på engelska) Dina dikter hakar loss tanken från tiden. Stora glimmande djup av filosofiska funderingar som likväl rymms i en fikastund. Tycker om ditt :D-perspektiv.

What if you could accelerate your spiritual progress so greatly that you would never have to \"come back\" to learn more lessons? Is it possible that a form of \"advanced forgiveness\"—if fully understood and achieved—could bring you perfect peace?
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Night Soul Woman
Night Soul Woman