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Lost innocence - Hear me


~ ¤ ~

Innocence is, was and will be
 the force that can take you to places
you always dreamed of.

the drug you use
but not of your choice

Lost innocence

Tainted dreams

Tears that pour down the drain
walking through the memory lane
in the sewage of life

the drug you use
but not of your choice

- Stand up
stay strong
what you believe
is your religion

the alter ego

of the divine self

- You are the power they fear
You are the power you need
Move on dear, live on your life

- Nothing else matters
if you are not alive
if you let you soul die
slowly every night
when you cry
for the choices
you felt force to take

Don't kill your soul slowly
you are all you need
to make it happen

Submissiveness it's not
the drug of your choice

Live life - get drunk with it

- with the elixir of freedom

feel the love
the love around you
because love is in the air
a love that holds no bounds
has always been around you

- Just be is all you need
be, feel, think
Your thoughts
Your feelings
are needed

Lost innocence - hear me out
I lived and died thousand times
but every time I came back
stronger than ever

Innocence is was and will be
 the force that can take you to places
you always dreamed of

- Make you dreams come true!
Make it happen for you
everything is just a matter of choice
Choose to live YOUR life as you wish to
otherwise everything will matter but you . . .

Take charge of your life and I will smile.

~ ¤ .~

Fri vers av Night Soul Woman
Läst 246 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-03 16:47

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Ursnyggt för ögat, fantastisk sammansättning och ah detta virrvarr och lekande gör mig så jävla lycklig. Tar ner månen och ger dig.

Very true.

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
No one is innocent.
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Night Soul Woman
Night Soul Woman