We are the Demand. Supply and Demand, Demand and supply.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-435510/Winslet-blasts-Hollywood-generation-anorexics.html" />
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www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQpHS8MFoJI We are the Demand. Supply and Demand, Demand and supply.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-435510/Winslet-blasts-Hollywood-generation-anorexics.html

Inside the Mecca of beauty’s perfection . . .

As the hunter of beauty froze a moment in time
gave colors to the black and white dream
of how it is supposed to be.

The winds bittersweet whisper
echoed the truth:

- Take a picture it will last longer . . .

The hunter smiled as the forgotten thoughts
came back to life:

We are not good enough and never will be.
We will always look up to you and worship your
beauty until your beauty show us the face of death
and starts to fade away . . .

then the camera will search somewhere else in order
to find the new embodiment of beauty's dream.

The show must go on. This is how it is supposed to be.
It is not my fault! Everybody knows what the price
of fame is!

Frozen, perfect moments in time.
A photograph.

But where is the beauty of your soul?
The beauty of your careless eyes
your enchanting smile?

This is not good enough! You are fired!


Give me a photograph taken by
someone who loves you and I
will admire the beauty of the moment

the imperfection and I will show you
how you can be what we want you to be!
How to make your dream come true!

Do you want to be loved and praised
by us who dream to be like you?

Do you want to be our dream and the
reminder of our own imperfection?

We will worship you!

Stay still and smile! *Flashlight*



Fri vers av Night Soul Woman
Läst 213 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-12-02 11:56

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Night Soul Woman
Night Soul Woman