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Surface city

The streets echo
with the silences of lonely hearts
in a city so beautiful
yet so filled with superficial souls

people who judge the surface, weight, wealth
not the person inside
not the abilities
nor the talents
someone has

a frustration
deep inside
a wish
a desire
to be recognized
not on how you look, earn or dress
but on what you know, can and like to do.

in a city so beautiful
yet treating you so coldly
the soul turns silent
and sad

to know what you are able to
yet denied an honest opportunity to do that for someone special
tears deep wounds in a delicate heart
the lack of closeness
even the touch from someone wanting you to be close
makes it a challenge
and a curse
to live in surface city

Fri vers av Nikolai Jungsin VIP
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-12 15:45

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Nikolai Jungsin
Nikolai Jungsin VIP