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Give me time
to do what I must
to live
to rest

Give me time
to love
to feel loved
to know what is love?

Give time time
to fill the days in my life with life
not fill my life with endless grey days

Give me time
to see my children grow
to enjoy friends

Give me time
to play
to simply
be there

Now, where is the time for all that ?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nikolai Jungsin VIP
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-05 04:49

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  lodjuret/seglare VIP
For someone like you, how is it even possible to Think of Days as grey? They are not, but filled up with colors, just look ät your neighbors roses.
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Nikolai Jungsin
Nikolai Jungsin VIP